Curly Flat




263 Collivers Road, Lancefield
Victoria 3435

At the Winery


Phillip Moraghan and Jenifer Kolkka, inspired by Phillip's encounter with Burgundy, established Curly Flat in 1991 with the guidance of Macedon wine pioneer Laurie Williams. In 2017 Jenifer Kolkka became sole proprietor.

Mount Macedon's cool climate produces fruit of high natural acidity and elegant structure. The vineyard planting is principally Pinot Noir with some Chardonnay and a little Pinot Gris. Farming practices follow a sustainable agriculture model. A multi-level, gravity flow winery, with a below ground barrel hall, processes the fruit. All fruit processing and winemaking, including bottling, occur on site. Matt Harrop (ex Shadowfax) leads the winemaking team.

Curly Flat has a reputation for outstanding Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. Their Central and Western Pinot Noirs highlight small sections of the estate vineyard. They also produce White Pinot, a rare style in Australia.


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