



36 Cemetery Road, Great Western
Victoria 3377

At the Winery


Seppelt Great Western was founded by Joseph Best in 1865. It is the birthplace of Australia's unique sparkling Shiraz style. Under the winery a labyrinth of underground cellars known as The Drives bottle age sparkling wines.

Seppelt has exceptional Victorian vineyards. Planted in Great Western in the 1930s, the low yielding St Peters and Imperial Vineyards contribute select parcels of fruit. When Karl Seppelt established the Drumborg Vineyard at Henty in 1964, Seppelt pioneered cool climate winemaking. Swept with winds from the Southern Ocean, it lies in the western Victorian hinterland and is one of the coolest and southernmost vineyards of mainland Australia.

Seppelt is one of Australia's historic wine estates with an outstanding reputation for quality. Their flagships are St Peters Shiraz and Show Sparkling Shiraz followed by the Drumborg Single Vineyard range.


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