Pt. Leo Estate




3649 Frankston-Flinders Road, Merricks
Victoria 3916

At the Winery


Pt. Leo Estate had been in the Gandel family for almost 25 years before it opened to the public in 2017. John and Pauline Gandel decided to turn their working winery and private retreat into their legacy project.

Pt. Leo Estate is Australia's foremost example of what is known internationally as the Vine Art Movement. On the less travelled eastern side of Victoria's Mornington Peninsula – set against dramatic coastal views – are more than 50 large scale sculptures by leading Australian and international sculptors. In Melbourne architecture firm Jolson's design, the vast restaurant, cellar door and wine terrace of the main building showcase the sweeping vista in front of them.

Pt. Leo Estate has been a private vineyard since 2006. Their Reserve wines lead. As well as notable Chardonnay and Pinot Noir they also make a Shiraz, Pinot Gris, Rosé, and two sparkling wines.



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