Hanging Rock Winery




88 Jim Road, Newham
Victoria 3442

At the Winery


In 1982 John and Ann Ellis purchased land just north of Melbourne near the iconic local landmark Hanging Rock and established Hanging Rock Winery. Today their son Robert is the winemaker and their daughter Ruth the marketeer.

John and Ann Ellis's dream was to make Australia's first traditional method sparkling wine. Located in the Macedon Ranges (Australia's coldest mainland region) the land they bought is now the Jim Jim Vineyard, ideal for the sparkling varieties Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. In contrast, their Athol's Paddock Vineyard – planted in partnership with Athol Guy of The Seekers fame – is in Heathcote, where the climate is warmer. This vineyard is entirely devoted to Shiraz.

At Hanging Rock Winery the Macedon Late Disgorged and Heathcote Shiraz are the leading wines. Other notables include Jim Jim Pinot Noir and Jim Jim Sauvignon Blanc.


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