Eastern Peake




67 Pickfords Road, Coghills Creek
Victoria 3364

At the Winery


Guided by Mount Langi Ghiran's Trevor Mast, in 1983 Dianne Pym and Norman Latta planted their first vines at Coghills Creek. Initially just growers, in 1995 they made their first Eastern Peake wines.

Eastern Peake is located in the Ballarat Highlands, 430 metres above sea level on a flat relief between fertile undulations. The cool climate and soils of weathered basalt loam are ideal for producing quality Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. In the vineyard they follow biodynamic principles, and in the winery minimal intervention. Owen Latta, Dianne and Norman's son, oversees the winemaking, forgoing any additions or tinkering.

Eastern Peake firmly believe that great wine should reflect where it is grown. Highlights are the Original Block Pinot Noir, Intrinsic Pinot Noir and Intrinsic Chardonnay, as well as the Taché Pinot Rosé.


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