Passing Clouds




30 Roddas Lane, Musk
Victoria 3461

At the Winery


In 1974, having tirelessly planted their vineyard near Bendigo, Graeme Leith and Sue Mackinnon hoped for rain. But the clouds would always threaten and pass, inspiring the name Passing Clouds.

In 2008 their son Cameron took the reins and in 2010, after prolonged drought, they shifted their operations to the Macedon Ranges. While they still make Bendigo red wines, the emphasis now is cool climate Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. They adhere to the principle that great wine is made in the vineyard. In the winery, Passing Clouds is of the ilk that the site should do the talking.

Passing Clouds Macedon Ranges highlights are the Estate wines, a Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. The Angel Cabernet Sauvignon and Serpentine Shiraz from Bendigo are also noteworthy.


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