



Jack McWilliam Road, Hanwood
New South Wales 2680

At the Winery


Founded by Samuel McWilliam at Corowa in 1877, and relocated to Riverina in 1917, McWilliam's has helped shape the Australian wine industry. Today McWilliam's is owned by the Calabria family.

McWilliam's Riverina is home to their iconic cellar door, built to the precise scale of a wine barrel. As well as their Riverina vineyards, fruit is sourced from the Canberra District, Hilltops and Tumbarumba. They have built their business by producing regional blends at affordable prices. McWilliam's, which sells brands such as Hanwood Estate and Off the Press, has seen some difficult restructuring which has triggered several large one-off write downs.

McWilliam's leading 1877 range is made with the best fruit of the vintage. The Single Vineyard wines are next in line. The winery produces an extensive range, with wines at every price point.


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