Juniper Estate




98 Tom Cullity Drive, Cowaramup
Western Australia 6284

At the Winery


In 1998 Roger Hill and Gillian Anderson established Juniper Estate, purchasing and restoring the 1973 planted vineyard of Henry and Maureen Wright. Since 2017 their sons Nick and Tom have run the business.

The original vineyard is one of the founding Margaret River sites. Their neighbours are Vasse Felix and Cullen. Juniper Estate have other sites at Wilyabrup and Karridale, each distinct but united in sustainable and organic farming. Retaining the idiosyncrasies of each vineyard is at the centre of Juniper Estate's winemaking. At the winery vinification of each block is kept separate. In 2006 they purchased Higher Plane with whom they share a cellar door.

Juniper Estate's focus is estate grown reds, their largest plantings. Their lead wine, dedicated to Roger Hill, is The Tribute Cabernet Sauvignon, followed by the Cornerstone and Estate ranges.


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