Stanton & Killeen




440 Jacks Road, Murray Valley Hwy
Rutherglen, Victoria 3685

At the Winery


After trying his luck in the Victorian goldrush Timothy Stanton founded Stanton & Killeen in 1865. In the Rutherglen tradition, instead he struck gold with fortified wines. In 2011 Wendy Killeen took over, later joined by daughter Natasha.

Stanton & Killeen has eight vineyards with the surviving vineyards planted by Jack Stanton in 1921 producing some of the finest fruit in the district. The soil ranges in quality from gravel ridges to red loam over porous clay on the slopes. The latter are ideal for Muscat and Topaque which are aged in a modified solera system. Stanton & Killeen also cultivate clones of Durif and Shiraz plus several Portuguese varieties.

Stanton & Killeen's Rare Rutherglen Muscat and Topaque are the most sought after with Grand Muscat and Topaque not far behind. They also produce a selection of full bodied Rutherglen reds. Jack's Block Shiraz is made when nature permits.


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