The Alluring Tempranillo


Winery: Billy Button

Region: Alpine Valleys

Variety: Tempranillo

Wine Type: Red

Price Guide: $42



Billy Button The Alluring Tempranillo is made with a noble red grape from Rioja in northern Spain, Tempranillo. The variety is well suited to the cool Alpine Valley climate.

The fruit is included as a mix of whole bunches, whole berries and crushed fruit, some receiving cold soaking. The ferments are gently plunged twice a day.

At sugar dryness, each parcel of wine is pressed separately. Maturation is in Flexcubes: polymer vessels that mimic the slow oxygenation of wine in barrels without imparting the taste of oak.

After nine months, the wine is blended, filtered and bottled.

Ruby red, Billy Button The Alluring Tempranillo has abundant berry flavours, supple spicy tannins and a pleasing savoury edge. Cellaring potential is seven years.


2020 2021 2022      
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019  

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