Old Premium Rare Tawny


Winery: Morris

Region: Rutherglen

Variety: Tawny

Wine Type: Fortified

Price Guide: $132



Morris Old Premium Rare Tawny is made with full flavoured red varieties grown at Rutherglen in north-east Victoria.

The grapes are left on the vine until they reach the high levels of sugar ripeness. At the winery they are crushed and partially fermented.

The juice is then drained and the skins are pressed. A spirit with complex characters is added for fortification before the wine is transferred to oak casks and barrels. There it slowly develops and matures over many years.

Only the best vintages are selected for the Old Premium Rare blend. The art lies in blending very old and much younger parcels to achieve the right balance of intensity and freshness.

With parcels dating back to the 1940s, the wine has an average age of 20 years or more.

Deep tawny brown, Morris Old Premium Rare Tawny has concentrated dried fruit flavours with bursts of sweetness, spice and subtle bitterness for balance.

Having fully matured in oak, the wine is ready to enjoy now.

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