The Mysterious Malvasia


Winery: Billy Button

Region: Alpine Valleys

Variety: Malvasia

Wine Type: White

Price Guide: $36



Billy Button The Mysterious Malvasia is grown on the Mulcahy Vineyard at Porepunkah in the Alpine Valleys. This little known variety comes from Friuli-Venezia Giulia in north-east Italy.

Winemaker Jo Marsh says Malvasia "doesn't tell her what it wants to be as loudly as other varieties" and remains quite the mystery. For this reason, the winemaking is kept minimal.

The fruit is pressed, with a small component of the juice held on skins overnight. This builds texture and cultivates intense fruit flavours. Post ferment, the wine is aged on lees with occasional stirring.

Deep yellow, Billy Button The Mysterious Malvasia is a textural, complex and full bodied wine with ripe fruit flavours and spice. Cellaring potential is two years.


2020 2021 2022      
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019  

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