The Affable Barbera


Winery: Billy Button

Region: Alpine Valleys

Variety: Barbera

Wine Type: Red

Price Guide: $42



Billy Button The Affable Barbera draws from the Ferraro Vineyard at Myrtleford in Victoria's Alpine Valleys. The vines, planted in 2001, are grown on the Ovens Valley floor on well drained soil.

The fruit is machine harvested and destemmed. Some of the free run juice is drained away to concentrate the flavours of the final wine. Fermentation is with indigenous yeasts and twice daily hand plunging.

After extended time on skins, the wine is pressed to seasoned oak barrels and Flexcubes (polymer 'barrels' that mimic the oxygen permeability of traditional oak) to mature on lees.

Vibrant red, Billy Button The Affable Barbera is inspired by the wines of Piedmont in Italy, with juicy berry flavours and warm earthy notes. Cellaring potential is three years.


2020 2021 2022      
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