Main Ridge Estate




80 William Road, Red Hill
Victoria 3937

At the Winery


In 1975 Nat and Rosalie White purchased a failed lemon orchard and established Main Ridge Estate, the first commercial winery on the Mornington Peninsula. In 2015 Tim and Libby Sexton purchased the property.

At 230 metres elevation the Red Hill vineyard is one of the highest on the Mornington Peninsula. The north facing vineyards slope gently, sheltered by mature trees. Rich volcanic soil and deep rooted, mature vines ensure no irrigation is required. Plantings are predominantly Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. Keeping yields low optimizes quality. Nat White remains involved as a mentor to the new winemaker, the Sexton's son James.

Main Ridge Estate's reputation rests on their Pinot Noir. They make two Pinot Noirs identically, The Half Acre and The Acre Pinot Noir. Each reflects its vineyard. The Half Acre Pinot Noir is the more intense tannic wine.


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