Rare Muscadelle


Winery: Chambers Rosewood

Region: Rutherglen

Variety: Muscadelle

Wine Type: Fortified

Price Guide: $304



Chambers Rosewood Rare Muscadelle is made from dry grown, low yielding estate vines. In the warm Rutherglen autumn, the grapes ripen and shrivel on the vine, producing high natural sugar levels.

After picking and crushing, the intensely sweet juice is fortified with a neutral grape spirit and set aside to age in old oak casks. The solera for this rare wine is meticulously maintained.

Only the finest quality wines are added to the base solera, which is blended from pre-World War I material. Fractional blending for each release produces a reliable style and quality.

Deep mahogany brown, Chambers Rosewood Rare Muscadelle is unctuous and treacly with astounding balance and persistence of flavour. A wine literally from another century.

Regarded as one of Australia's great fortified wines.

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