Old Vine Muscadelle


Winery: Chambers Rosewood

Region: Rutherglen

Variety: Muscadelle

Wine Type: Fortified

Price Guide: $36



Chambers Rosewood Old Vine Muscadelle (aka Topaque) is sourced from dry grown, low yielding Rutherglen vines. The fruit is harvested late, allowing its natural sugars to develop on the vine.

The grapes are picked and crushed. The juice is fortified with a neutral grape spirit and set aside to age in oak barrels. Fractional blending for each release produces a reliable style and quality.

The wine sits at the Classic tier of Rutherglen's fortified wine classification. This means it is blended, bottled and released with an average age of 8-10 years.

Dark amber brown, Chambers Rosewood Old Vine Muscadelle has mocha and coffee bean aromas. It is luscious with a persistent finish.

Fully matured and ready for immediate enjoyment.

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